Hola devices for hand disinfection and non-contact temperature measurement

With hand sanitizers and non-contact temperature measurement, your health, the health of employees and users is a priority. Devices care about your business and make sure the work is done safely.

Hola XL - digitalni uređaj za beskontaktno merenje temperature i dezinfekciju ruku

Predstavljamo Vam proizvod koji je podržan u okviru javnog poziva za suzbijanje efekata pandemije COVID-19 Fonda za inovacionu delatnost i Ministarstva, prosvete nauke i tehnološkog razvoja – Hola uređaj za beskontaktno merenje telesne temperature i dezinfekciju ruku. Svrha ovog uređaja jeste bezbednost na radu i pouzdanost u merenju telesne temperature. Merenje je precizno i tačno. Glasovni sadržaj kao i vizuelni - boja zelena ili crvena, signaliziraju obe mogućnosti - normalnu ili povišenu temperaturu. Prilikom dizajniranja proizvoda, vodilo se računa o odgovarajućoj visini, kao i o vizuelnim sadržajima na uređaju. Nenametljivog je dizajna, upečatljiv i jedinstven. Potpuno je bezbedan, precizan i lak za korišćenje. Vidi Proizvod

What you get
  • Contactless temperature measurement
  • Control desk,
  • Face detection
  • Hand disinfection,
  • Sensor unit,
  • Large tank Capacity
  • Enables fast user flow
  • No additional maintenance of the device is needed
Suitable for
  • Health centers
  • Public places
  • Banks
  • Shopping center
  • Companies
  • Fairs
  • Institutions
Product image

Hola M - beskontaktni uređaj za dezinfekciju ruku

Hola M beskontaktni uređaj za dezinfekciju ruku je potpuno automatizovan. Veoma je stabilan i otporan na mehaničke udarce pa je pogodan za objekte sa velikim prometom posetilaca. Sistem koristi detektor pokreta koji kontrolisano izbacuje optimalnu količinu sredstva za dezinfekciju. Posuda se lako puni i održava. Uređaj nije zahtevan, a mnogostruko koristi. U prostoru pored svoje fukcionalnosti jer nema dugog zadržavanja, okupira pažnju i svojim izgledom koji je jednostavan, ali jedinstven. Boju svetla i logotip možemo uskladiti vašem ambijentu i tako ga učiniti prepoznatljivim za vaš poslovni prostor. Potrebno je svoj radni prostor učiniti bezbednim kako za zaposlene tako i za korisnike. Vidi Proizvod

What you get
  • Hand disinfection,
  • Sensor unit,
  • Large tank capacity 10L
  • Stable and resistant to mechanical influences
  • Enables fast user flow
  • No additional maintenance of the device is needed
Suitable for
  • Health centers
  • Public places
  • Banks
  • Shopping center
  • Companies
  • Fairs
  • Institutions
Product image

Hola M light – beskontaktni uređaj za dezinfekciju ruku

Automatizovan, stabilan i otporan na mehaničke udarce. Uređaj je pogodan za objekte visoke frekvencije posetilaca. Može se brendirati i bojom prilagoditi vašim standardima. Lak je za upotrebu i njegova gabaritnost nije velika, tako da je pogodan i za male sisteme. Veliki i mali sistemi se odlučuju za ovaj uređaj jer ne zahteva posebno održavanje i zadržavanja korisnika na uređaju su neznatna. U prostoru izgleda elegantno i nije napadan te se lako implemenetira u okruženje. Uređaj je skladnih boja što omogućava da se uklopi u sve prostore. Vidi Proizvod

What you get
  • Hand disinfection,
  • Sensor unit,
  • Large tank capacity 5L
  • Stable and resistant to mechanical influences
  • Enables fast user flow
  • No additional maintenance of the device is needed
Suitable for
  • Health centers
  • Public places
  • Banks
  • Shopping center
  • Companies
  • Fairs
  • Institutions
Product image

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We have desireved trust many times
Quality first approach
The ethics of our business is that quality is what we are. A whole team of experienced designers and engineers stand behind every Hola device. We have maintained the trust of our associates based on the high quality of all components.
Delivery speed
The delivery period in Serbia is 2 working days where we deliver and install the device to your address. For the foreign market, the delivery period is between 5 to 15 working days, depending on the holiday and the current situation in the countries from which it comes and to which it is sent. We always try to remove all obstacles that exist around transport and we have always succeeded in that.
Reparing & Replacing hardware
Each Hola device has passed quality and stability tests. In case technical and service support is needed, Hola Systems will provide all support and replace components in a very short time.
Become Distributor?
Become a partner in the distribution of all our devices. We can create a completely new and creative product for you in accordance with your needs.
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